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Falling in love is easy, but building a successful marriage can be a lifelong challenge for most couples. If you are a husband, sometimes you get bored and feel fed up due to unexpected challenges—hurtful words and bickering, lack of transparency in handling finances, different priorities in life, overly demanding spouse, unfaithfulness to one another, and burnout in marriage.

Instead of nurturing a satisfying companionship with your spouse, you divert much time with your work and friends—then eventually you find yourself gradually flirting with other young women. Sooner or later your life becomes miserable after some years in marriage. You may be thriving in your job or profession, but your role as a husband is another aspect of your life you may need to improve. 

If you’re committed to navigate your role as a husband, this book offers simple steps to be a better husband.  When you feel like being choked and your marriage is slowly shutting down, read this book to uncover profound insights and doable tips to transform your marriage into a more vibrant, healthy relationship. The NECKTIE Approach is: 

Never Stop Courting and Dating Your Wife          

Ensure You Are Proactive in Managing Finances          

Compliment and Uplift Her Spirit          

Kiss and Hug Your Spouse          

Think about Resolving Conflict Soon          

Improve Your Listening Skills          

Enhance Your Spiritual Leadership

The Necktie Approach: 7 Things You Need To Be A Better Husband

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