Esmeralda's Magical Journey tells the inspiring tale of a courageous Monarch butterfly who makes the perilous migration from North America to Mexico. Starting as a tiny caterpillar egg on a milkweed leaf; we follow Esmeralda through the exciting stages of her metamorphosis, until she emerges from her crysalis and spreads her adult wings. With the help of her natural instincts, as well as signs and signals from nature, Esmeralda perseveres through her long flight South and back to lay her eggs.
Flying over well known U.S. cities and cultural monuments, Esmeralda draws her strength from America's history and the tenacity of its people. Children are sure to cheer along with Esmeralda as she flies and teaches us the importance of strenght, courage, hope and conserving our ecosystem so that Monarch butterlies continue to flourish for many generations to come.
Esmeralda's Magical Journey
Illustrated by Amanda J. Sardi