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Today, October 24, is National Unity Day, a day promoting kindness and inclusion. We here at AcuteByDesign believe wholeheartedly in the precepts promoted by this day. We have only one quibble with it:

Why just one day? Why not National Unity Month, or National Unity Year…or National Unity FOREVER?!

Let us be kind to and inclusive of those who are somehow different from us—whether in skin color, national heritage, sexual orientation, physical ability…and yes, even political beliefs. There was a time when polite discourse was possible between those of opposing political views, so it IS possible. That’s one of the few things out of the past that we’d like to see a return to.

How are you going to honor National Unity Day? Can you be inclusive of someone you normally avoid because they are “different,” whether this perceived difference is due to their skin color, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical handicap? Great! That’s a start….

…Now please practice it 365 days/year.

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